Knowing a company【Storyshare】

Joboh Samurai > Knowing a company【Storyshare】> TRAN


TRAN Tokyo・Kanagawa No.1 Area sales-coordinator

1. Q:Where are you from, MS TRAN? How long have you been in Japan?
A:I'm from Vietnam and it has been 7 years since I came to Japan.
2. Q:How did you know MAX?
A:When I was in university , there was a joint employment briefing , where I first met with MAX. The president and the managing director interviewed me on that day. They gave me a very polite and easy-to-understand introduction about the company and the industry. I showed my interest. Since I've been thinking to have a job through which I can help the Vietnamese who study and live in Japan. So I chose MAX as my first job after my graduation.
3. Q:Could you please give us a specific description about what exactly you're doing in MAX?
A:I am working as a sales-coordinator in Tokyo and Kanagawa area, with other team members. To be specific, listen to the needs of customers, recruit staffs and dispatch them to different work places according to customers' needs. As well as staff recruitment, I'm also doing the attendance management and the education of the staffs'.
4. Q:What is the most rewarding of this job?
A:The most rewarding of this job is the pleasure from seeing the customers and the staffs are both happy. I always get a challenging power when they said 'THANK YOU' from their hearts.
5. Q:How many staffs of Vietnamese working currently in MAX? How is the lifestyle of those staffs who work for MAX for a long time?
A:There are about 50 Vietnamese registered staffs in my areas. There were more before, recently since I changed my areas of in charge, so it reduced. The staffs who work for us the longest is about 2 years. They are Vietnamese students studying in Japanese language colleges while doing a part time in our lunch-box factory. They are all trustable staffs for MAX.